Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I've Changed My Mind

Ok so after watching the first episode of the Amazing Race, thank gawd it's back to "normal", I'm changing my vote on who I want to win. I had the MOJO's winning, but now I like the GEEKS. They have to be my favourite so far, next to HIPPIES. I'm also sad to see the guys from Boston go. I guess the "I Dream of Jeannie" wish didn't come true. I feel the couple that should have gotten the boot should have been Fran & Barry. Come on guys, how many times can you pass the marker on the bridge and not see it?! And pulease, build a motorcycle? "I'm good at building things". Guess not this time! And what is it with the PLATINUMS? Lord Jesus make the pain end, eliminate them from the RACE! And for all those who work in my office, don't the FRATBOYS remind you of John?

Ok there is my little rant. I'm sure there will be more as the weeks progress!


At 3/01/2006 3:10 PM, Blogger Sean, Jess, Mason (8), Carter (6), Anna (4) and Leah (2) said...

Any chance you caught the name of the soccer player at the Finish of last night's episode (at the Estadio de Pacaembu)?

At 3/01/2006 3:52 PM, Blogger Miss 604 said...

um yeah team pink - sponsored by victoria's secret much? i really like the geeky team too. i think the guy looks like ben gibbard and the chick looks like janeane garofalothey're precious


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