Tuesday, March 14, 2006

From Brazil to Russia

Okay, so what was with the zipline? Seem a little familiar to anyone else? I remember a couple of seasons ago had a zipline in it. I remember a crazy redhead and her fiance from Texas and her screaming the whole way across.... I'm just saying it looked really familiar. So, who wasn't surprised that the "Pinkies" hooked it up with the "Frat Boys"? It was inevitable. Almost as inevitable as the Pinkies losing their clue/money pouch (otherwise known as the fanny pack). You knew someone was going to forget/lose it at some point this episode since they made such a big deal about Michelle leaving it in the car. Or I guess I should say: Lake made such a big deal about it. I won't get on Lake and Michelle's case again this week since I was "corrected" by one of their friends last week. Doesn't mean I won't mention them again, I just don't have anything new to say about them. Well, except maybe: Lake was running in a cathedral?! How Rude! Also, on the rude front, the mother/daughter team. Mom was afraid of deep water so to encourage her to dive down for the clue, the daughter kept yelling "Down! Down! Down!". How supportive or inspirational was that? GEESH!! Get a grip lady. The Russian swimmers were more help to your mom than you were!

So, on the "why Europeans think Americans are rude" front, Monica mentioned something on the way to the detour: "All I know is Russian people drink and smoke a whole lot." Good to know they aren't making mass assumptions like "All Americans are rude". I'd really hate to see that! My prediction about the Hippies is coming true, though. I don't think I laughed harder than when they scared the crap out of the Frat Boys on the way to the zipline. Priceless! So much so it should be a Mastercard commercial. Another great moment for the Hippies was in the cathedral. I was impressed they took the time to appreciate the beauty and peace of the room. Nice change from the disrespect of some of the other teams (okay, only one).

I can't wait for the leiderhausen next week. Wish I could get in on the "bottle over the head" action that the Frat Boys were enjoying. Speaking of the Frat Boys, what was with the ass tapping at the beginning of this leg? Though, I wouldn't mind smacking that..... Oh, sorry, was that out loud?!

Anyway, here's a question from Annie: do you think CBS gives the teams laundry priviledges? If so, when? I thought maybe on their overnight pit stops but I can see her point. What do you guys think?


At 3/15/2006 12:22 PM, Blogger Gus said...

I don't know Laura, I think Wanda in the Mom/Daughter team deserved that. Let's see, ROADBLOCK - Who is willing to take the plunge....hmmm wouldn't that mean "Water". So why on earth would she say she would do it?! I'm really prowd of Yolanda, though also stupid for taking the Roadblock. I actually cheered and clapped so hard when she jumped. Way to go GIRL! TEEHEE.

At 3/15/2006 12:39 PM, Blogger Miss 604 said...

now now, easy with the whole 'ignorant/rude american' thing. there are a lot of teams that were excited to go there and a lot of teams that speak many languages and appreciate the culture shocks this game puts them through. that said... some people are just stupid and ignorant, regardless of what nationality they happen to be :p (and given the fact that i'm half american now... yeah :p)


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