Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fishy Sicily (pour Laura)

Okay so I came home 8 minutes late but here's what I immediately picked up on...

The hippies were the first to leave in the morning and it was one of those "get there early but the thing you're supposed to do doesn't open til 8am" places - the theatro. so hippies get there early and draw up a fake "Official Sign in Sheet" then go to their car and sleep. The Frat boys get there a while late and sign their name... it took them a minute to realize - hey this paper doesnt look official - hey - is this the hippies' pen? too funny. i love the hippies. it SAID it was OFFICIAL geesh! hehe.

Meanwhile, all the other teams that got a later start to the day are stuck in traffic. Lake is precious: "where are we what's goin on what's that?" michelle: "a small bus."

they have to get to the theatro and count statue-heads on fenceposts then run down and tell their number to a groundskeeper. as Lake put it "i bet it's one o them find somethin' in the middle of nowhere' things.

this was all fairly simple but the detour that was next was a lil tougher on some teams. they could chose Big Fish or Little Fish.

In Big Fish they had to carry a 35 lb swordfish 3/4 miles to a market and find some dude to hand it off to for their next clue. Every team did this except Fran and Barry who chose Little Fish. they had to go to that market and sell 4kg of lil fishies. they had a ball doing it which was more than i can say for this week's Spazzy McGee, Monica. "JOSEPH!?!" "WHAT!!" she had a spaz attack because they couldn't find the person they had to deliver to fish to... then was crying because she was covered in fish guts. after the task while they're driving down the street she kept checking out all the chicks walking by "i wonder if she would give me some clean clothes to wear."

Lake calls Michelle a ding dong and it's off to Kayak Polo! At this point the frats, hippies are 1 and 2 - the rest follow closely although the fitness team and the geeks are dwindling behind.

so, kayak polo - I WANNA PLAY! you're on teams, in kayaks, and basically you have to paddle around and shoot a volleyball-type-thing into a big elevated net/basket. fun stuff. Fran got a little upset with Barry "he's pathetic" and Michelle totally throws like a girl. you know them chicks in basketball who use two hands and kinda push the ball up from their chest? *shudder*. lori sends dave off into the water with a 'may the force be with you."

Phil is dancing to the music of the live band lining the run up to the mat as we see the frats come in 1st. shortly after it's the hippies then Mojo... monica is still complaining about smelling like fish. ultimately the geeks get eliminated this week. they were a lil annoying towards the end... and i'm not really surprised.

next week we have the typical Amazing Race bungy jump as they make their way over to Greece.

i just totally speed-typed this for laura. i apologize for any errors or lack in fun snarky opinion that you usually get from her re-caps. let's all hope she gets her tv back soon.

nerds rule!


At 4/06/2006 8:33 AM, Blogger Miss 604 said...

yeah i knew that - you know when i say puter i really mean TV GOSH!!

At 4/06/2006 1:19 PM, Blogger Gus said...

So I'm alittle sadden to see the Geeks go. I guess it's only me who feels this way. I love the "Star Wars" comment. HEHEHE

I'm actually starting to like the Frat Boys, they make this fun as I'm sure they can't figure out why and how the Hippies are always so close behind them or ahead of them. HEHEHEHE

MOJO is such a joke. She's all happy to be caring a fish and then has a fit later on. HA! and then MO's honking at the horn with the lovely ladies walking up the street. Typical guy, but hey that actually is typical for a guy in Europe too.

Lake, gotta love him with the "bus" question. I thought it was funny.

One thing is consistant at least, the top 4 teams. This should be interesting next week.


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