Wednesday, April 05, 2006

hump day special

i am SO annoyed that they're airing this on wednesdays now. that means we're going to watch AR9 on the american east coast station at 5pm PT/8ET. THEN it's time for a new ANTM - america's next top model. i know this isn't on topic of AR9 but it seems clear to me that you do not need talent, brains or a pretty face to win ANTM this year (i'm not saying models aren't any of those things, it does take talent with brains and beauty) - just that the contestants this time around are less than dazzling.

anyhoo, back to AR9 - i'll be posting a full recap... since laura will be at work until 830PT AND her puter died the other day :-( poor girl. so stay tuned!

EDIT: I just came across this AR blog as well, it's worth a read :)


At 4/06/2006 11:54 AM, Blogger Miss 604 said...

i said tv in my 2nd post - so sue me. gosh!


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